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Mon 27 Jan
*** WoW *** BrIttAny - 21 (Oklahoma city)
weekend specials dessert included - 19 (okc and surrounding areas)
Professional Abilities ........ - 25 (Norman/moore/surr area)
$ Your N 4 a Big Treat $ - 19 (okc,surrounding areas)
*💘 You Won't Get Enough of ME 💘 - 23 (In/Out, Lawton, Norman, Oklahoma City, Stillwater, Tulsa)
Young .....PlaTinum ...... BlonDe * Perky B@@bs "Natural" - 22 (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City Outcalls)
XxX @@@ WeEkeNd 4th Of JuLy GetAwAy @@@ xXx - 22 (okc,nrmn,moore,ada,jones,shwnee)
Winter is a season to be cheerful and cozy! 💋 - 49 (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City South Side)
treat your self - 23 (Oklahoma City, any where)
Tired of Fake Pictures??? I'm 1000%(; - 21 (Oklahoma City, South I-35 service rd,okc)
Xoxo SeXiEsT Blonde oxoX - 24 (Oklahoma City, in/out)
*********Whats your favorite candy ******* - 22 (Oklahoma City, okc and surroundings ares)
What a Night with Nadia What U Like - 32 (Oklahoma City, oklahoma city - bricktown)
)))*Wanna have sum fun*♡♡♡((((( - 25 (OKC & All Surrounding Area's!.., Oklahoma City)
Trucker friendly, Hotel Happy, or Incall Savvy 405 243 2220 - 30 (Midwest City, OK (405)243 2220, Oklahoma City)
Tiny , Cute, Brunnette... - 23 (Oklahoma City, Okc , southside)
Your Companion Is Waiting♡♡♡ - 30 (Oklahoma City, oklahoma city and surrounding area)