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Thu 02 Jan
💋BadAssBrunette💋 - 26 (Edmond North OKC, Oklahoma City)
$All Night SPECIALS!!$$ - 24 (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma)
Blonde and Down - 25 (Oklahoma City, in/out)
BEST In Town...!!! - 23 (Oklahoma City, okc,surronding areas)
🌸🌼🌺🌻🌹🎃🌹🌻🌺🌼🌸 ASIAN Girl 🌸🌼🌺🌻🌹🎃🌹🌻🌺🌼🌸 Know What U Want ... (Oklahoma City, 🌸🌼🌺I-40🌻🌹🎃I-35🌺🌼🌸Bricktown INCALL🌸🌼🌺🌻🌹🎃🌹)
• ° ° BaCk n tOwN ** Ur PeRfEcT LiL aSiAn :) - 20 (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma city, ok (northwest))
Beautiful petite white girl - 21 (Tulsa, Tulsa, Oklahoma)
After work special $90-45min 914.206.5836 - 21 (39th and may, Oklahoma City)
¶**ALL NaTuRaL BrUnEttE AvAiLaBl NoW** - 25 (Oklahoma City, serving greater okc)
💕 All you can handle and then some! 💕 - 21 (everywhere, Lawton, Oklahoma City, Stillwater, Tulsa)
(&(&(&( SeXxY SaNtA's LiL HeLpEr )&)&)&)&) - 19 (okc,ada,chicksha,elreno,shawnee)
Best yet, No regret - 29 (Oklahoma City, Norman,Okc)
a lil fun in snow - 30 (Oklahoma City)
A True Southern Beauty I Am from alabama - 37 (Oklahoma City, all over u)
Beautiful Petite white girl - 21 (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City, Ok)
BBW Available Today - 37 (Oklahoma City, Norman)
*** AvAiLaBlE 2 ThE RiGhT 1 *** - 24 (Oklahoma City, *** Upscale Discrete Incall ***)
♥-- { A-V-A-I-L -A-B-L-E }- -{N-O-W}-- **AMAZING SPECIALS** - 22 (Oklahoma City, okc and surounding areas)
All Day - 27 (OKC In-Out)
**a real professional :) - 23 (Oklahoma City, okc ok)
$60 Specials Available Now!!!!!!! - 27 (Oklahoma City, I35 frontier city)
💥💥A1🎥 Blessing in Disguise 🎥Touch 🍯Me 🍷Tease Me 💄Feel Me - 24 (all over U downtown specials TRaveL, Oklahoma City)
~Best in town~roxii~ 405*215-0032 - 19 (Oklahoma City, Outcalls)
$90full ** 863-949-1032 special.* 863-949-1032 - 21 (Oklahoma City, i-40 and meridian)
60 specials Sexy soft skin mixed beauty - 20 (Oklahoma City, okc incalls and outcalls)